New Homes For Sale Columbia, SC
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- Columbia
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- Irmo / Chapin
- Lexington / West Columbia
- Northeast / Blythewood
- Available Date
- Available Immediately
- Within 30 Days
- 30 - 60 Days
- 60 - 90 Days
- 90+ Days
- Beds
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- 3 Beds
- 4 Beds
- 5 Beds
- 6 Beds
- Baths
- All
- 2 Baths
- 3 Baths
- 4 Baths
- 5 Baths
- Price Range
- All
- $150,000 - $200,000
- $200,000 - $250,000
- $250,000 - $300,000
- $300,000 - $350,000
- $350,000 - $400,000
- $400,000 - $450,000
- $450,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $550,000
- $550,000 - $600,000
- $600,000 - $650,000
- Floor Plan
- All Floor Plans
- Allerton
- Bartow
- Bridges II
- Brunswick
- Carson
- Cumberland
- Cushing II
- Dawson
- Dixon
- Durham
- Duvall II
- Edgewood
- Edisto
- Evans
- Fullerton
- Guilford
- Gwinnett
- Henderson
- Julian
- Kershaw
- Lancaster
- Langford
- Laurens
- McDowell
- Meriwether
- Monroe
- Nantahala
- Nottely
- Palmer
- Parker
- Patterson II
- Peachtree
- Pickens
- Richardson
- Roland
- Roland II
- Russell
- Rutherford
- Rutledge II
- Saluda
- Saluda II
- Telfair
- Townsend
- Turner
- Underwood
- Vernon
- Warren
- Warwick II
- Webster
- Webster II
- Westbury
- Whittaker II
- Wilkinson
- Yates
- Square Feet
- All
- 1,000 - 1,500 Sqft
- 1,500 - 2,000 Sqft
- 2,000 - 2,500 Sqft
- 2,500 - 3,000 Sqft
- 3,000 - 3,500 Sqft
- 3,500 - 4,000 Sqft
- 4,000 - 4,500 Sqft
- 4,500 - 5,000 Sqft
- Primary Bed Location
- First Floor
- Upstairs
168 Columbia Homes
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite230
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,250Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite230
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite231
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,250Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite231
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite232
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,288Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite232
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite225
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,288Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite225
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite229
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,288Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite229
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite203
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,288Sqft
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanLaurens
- Homesite203
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanBartow
- Homesite46
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanBartow
- Homesite44
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanBartow
- Homesite122
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanBartow
- Homesite116
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanDawson
- Homesite118
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanBrunswick
- Homesite54
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanDawson
- Homesite114
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanDawson
- Homesite45
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanDawson
- Homesite59
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanDawson
- Homesite62
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanKershaw
- Homesite119
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanEvans
- Homesite60
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanKershaw
- Homesite61
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanGuilford
- Homesite105
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanGuilford
- Homesite78
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanLancaster
- Homesite56
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanBrunswick
- Homesite108
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanKershaw
- Homesite31
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanMonroe
- Homesite53
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanEvans
- Homesite2
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 1,709Sqft
- 1-carGarage
- CommunityJessamine Place
- Floor PlanEvans
- Homesite2
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanLancaster
- Homesite49
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanMeriwether
- Homesite52
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanDurham
- Homesite22
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanMeriwether
- Homesite48
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanMeriwether
- Homesite103
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanGwinnett
- Homesite24
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanMeriwether
- Homesite75
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanRutherford
- Homesite76
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanMonroe
- Homesite77
- CommunityHaynes Park
- Floor PlanRutherford
- Homesite50
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite7
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanMcDowell
- Homesite104
- 5Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,237Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanMcDowell
- Homesite104
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanMcDowell
- Homesite109
- 5Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,237Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanMcDowell
- Homesite109
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite23
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanRussell
- Homesite178
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,519Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanRussell
- Homesite178
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanRussell
- Homesite191
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,519Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanRussell
- Homesite191
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanRutherford
- Homesite76
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanRutherford
- Homesite102
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanRussell
- Homesite21
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite110
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,443Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite110
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite161
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite190
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,443Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite190
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanTelfair
- Homesite25
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanGwinnett
- Homesite19
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite106
- 4Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,443Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHidden Springs
- Floor PlanPickens
- Homesite106
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanTurner
- Homesite162
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanEdgewood
- Homesite271
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1,910Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanEdgewood
- Homesite271
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanWarren
- Homesite30
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanTurner
- Homesite6
- CommunityWinston Point
- Floor PlanWilkinson
- Homesite20
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanEdisto
- Homesite103
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,314Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanEdisto
- Homesite103
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanCarson
- Homesite236
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,136Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanCarson
- Homesite236
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanAllerton
- Homesite342
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1,720Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanAllerton
- Homesite342
- CommunityPebble Branch
- Floor PlanCumberland
- Homesite46
- CommunityAshcroft
- Floor PlanRichardson
- Homesite536
- 5Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 2,599Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityAshcroft
- Floor PlanRichardson
- Homesite536
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanEdgewood
- Homesite235
- 3Beds
- 2Baths
- 1,902Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanEdgewood
- Homesite235
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanJulian
- Homesite213
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,522Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanJulian
- Homesite213
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanNantahala
- Homesite242
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 2,597Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanNantahala
- Homesite242
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanLangford
- Homesite225
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,510Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanLangford
- Homesite225
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanFullerton
- Homesite234
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,149Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanFullerton
- Homesite234
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanPalmer
- Homesite212
- 3Beds
- 2.5Baths
- 2,855Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanPalmer
- Homesite212
- CommunityPebble Branch
- Floor PlanPeachtree
- Homesite45
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanPeachtree
- Homesite35
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 2,740Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanPeachtree
- Homesite35
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanNottely
- Homesite34
- 6Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 2,490Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanNottely
- Homesite34
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanSaluda II
- Homesite106
- 4Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,955Sqft
- 3-carGarage
- CommunityGates of Windermere
- Floor PlanSaluda II
- Homesite106
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanRoland
- Homesite244
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 3,147Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanRoland
- Homesite244
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanRoland
- Homesite247
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 3,147Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanRoland
- Homesite247
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanFullerton
- Homesite345
- 3Beds
- 3Baths
- 2,177Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanFullerton
- Homesite345
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanWestbury
- Homesite348
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 2,680Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanWestbury
- Homesite348
- CommunityPebble Branch
- Floor PlanRoland II
- Homesite44
- CommunityPebble Branch
- Floor PlanWarwick II
- Homesite47
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanYates
- Homesite246
- 5Beds
- 4Baths
- 4,167Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityHendrix Farms
- Floor PlanYates
- Homesite246
- CommunityPebble Branch
- Floor PlanWebster II
- Homesite2
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanCushing II
- Homesite184
- 5Beds
- 3Baths
- 3,252Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanCushing II
- Homesite184
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanBridges II
- Homesite191
- 4Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 3,221Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanBridges II
- Homesite191
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanDuvall II
- Homesite188
- 5Beds
- 4Baths
- 3,869Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanDuvall II
- Homesite188
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanPatterson II
- Homesite187
- 5Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 4,345Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanPatterson II
- Homesite187
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanRutledge II
- Homesite186
- 5Beds
- 3.5Baths
- 4,119Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanRutledge II
- Homesite186
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanWhittaker II
- Homesite185
- 5Beds
- 4.5Baths
- 4,577Sqft
- 2-carGarage
- CommunityPalmetto Shores
- Floor PlanWhittaker II
- Homesite185
Discover Living in Columbia
Mungo Homes has been a home builder in Columbia since 1954. The capital of South Carolina, Columbia, is the center of local government, home to the University of South Carolina and Ft. Jackson—the largest and most active army training installation in the country. Columbia is affectionately known as the "Soda City" by locals, but not because any soda was invented or manufactured there. Instead, the nickname comes from an old abbreviation of Columbia to "Cola." Main Street's Soda City Market is the place to see and be seen on a Saturday morning, and in March celebrate St. Pat's in Five Points - South Carolina's largest one-day festival and the Midland's largest annual street festival. Living in Columbia you’ll enjoy mild winters, college and minor league sports, educational opportunities, and the arts. Not to be overlooked, Columbia is an easy two-hour drive to both the mountains and the beach.
Our Favorites
in Columbia
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden
Trenholm Plaza
Eudora Farms