Third Annual Week of Giving RecapDecember 11, 2023
December 11, 2023
Week of Giving
The third annual Week of Giving took place December 4th – 8th throughout all nine Markets where Mungo builds. With a tradition of holiday giving, the Mungo Homes Foundation coordinated check presentations while Team Members performed company-allotted volunteer hours leading with the mission “To serve so that others are empowered to thrive.” Week of Giving recipients were nominated by local Mungo Team Members and selected by each local Mungo Homes Foundation Board of Advisors based on qualifying criteria. This year we used more than 1,600 volunteer hours and approximately $255,000 in donations were presented to selected local charities. Learn more about the organizations each market worked with below.
Columbia, South Carolina
To kick off the third Annual Week of Giving, the Columbia team made a surprise donation of $30,000 to Reconciliation Ministries on Monday, December 4th. Under the guise of serving coffee to employees at the Mungo Homes company headquarters in Irmo, Lucky Dettie and Ashley Arrington of Reconciliation Ministries were surprised when Mungo Team Members presented them with the large donation.
On Tuesday, December 5th the Mungo Homes Foundation made a surprise donation of $30,000 to Family Promise of the Midlands, whose mission is to end family homelessness. Invited to the Mungo Homes headquarters in Irmo to update employees after the renovation and ribbon-cutting of the McDaniel-Melvin Home – a project in partnership with Columbia-native and NBC’s Craig Melvin, Executive Director Jeff Armstrong was surprised when Mungo Team Members presented him with the large donation.
In answer to a Facebook solicitation from Mayor Daniel Rickenmann, the Foundation stepped up on Wednesday, December 6th with a donation to Rapid Shelter of more than 200 blankets for the 50 pallet rooms that house up to 10 women and 40 men, when temperatures drop below 40 degrees between November and April. Also on Wednesday, Our Columbia team spent time with EmmanuWheel completing a ramp build. Emmanuwheel is an organization that our Columbia team always loves spending time with, and they provide wheelchair ramps to mobility-impaired individuals who cannot afford the cost of the ramps. Last but not least, members of the Columbia team delivered over 150 bicycles to the Families Helping Families’ Bike Bash! This year Families Helping Families will provide holiday assistance to more than 3,800 families in South Carolina.
Columbia team members concluded the Week of Giving by ringing the bell for the Salvation Army Red Kettle, completing a second ramp build for EmmanuWheel and presenting them with a check for $15,000.
Greenville, South Carolina
The Mungo Homes Foundation donated approximately $50,000 to local charities within the Greenville Market including a $20,000 donation to Safe Harbor who provides shelter and assistance to women and children from domestic violence; a $10,000 donation to Shriners Hospital, which has been providing hope and healing to children for more than 100 years; a $15,000 donation to Upstate Family Resource, who provides educational opportunities, activities, and support services to help families thrive; and a $2,000 donation to Jump Start, who works with current and former prisoners addressing spiritual, educational, employment, healthcare, housing, and family relationship needs.
In addition to check presentations and volunteering at the above organizations, Mungo Team Members spent both personal and company money to shop for Christmas gifts, decorate for the holidays, and provide meals to these organizations, including: the Salvation Army Angel Tree, the Dream Center, the Country Santa Program, and Daily Bread Ministries.
Charleston, South Carolina
In Charleston, the Mungo Homes Foundation donated $10,000 to Hope Lodge who, in conjunction with the American Cancer Society, provides free lodging to cancer patients and their caregivers. The donation is in response to the critical fundraising effort of a $2 million matching grant challenge from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. This campaign would allow the Hope Lodge an endowment to help ensure its operations into the future.
The Charleston market also donated $5,000 to Lowcountry Orphan Relief along with sorting supplies and packing Care Kits. Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides aid and support services to Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect.
Lastly, $10,000 was donated to My Sisters House, whose mission is to break the cycle of domestic violence by providing comprehensive support services and education within and beyond the walls of the shelter.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
On Monday, the Myrtle Beach market donated $10,000 to Help 4 Kids. With a mission to provide food for hungry children in Horry County, Help 4 Kids is an organization that caught the eye of the Mungo Homes Foundation who expressed the concern that “there are too many family and children out there in need of the daily basics in life.” In addition to the donation, 20 meals were delivered by Mungo Team Members to deserving families at Thanksgiving.
Team Members in Myrtle Beach also spent time at the Veterans Welcome Home Resource Center in Little River repairing and painting a fence at the shelter. Because of the Veterans employed by Mungo Homes, local Mungo Team members felt strongly about the Mission of VWHRC, who works to end veteran homelessness, and assists with job placement and filing claims with the Veterans Administration and offers shelter for those experiencing extreme financial difficulty.
Raleigh, North Carolina
The Raleigh team members spent their time renovating the Central Children’s Home of North Carolina in Oxford. With a Mission to provide family-centered services to children and youth aged 8-21 who cannot remain at home due to various reasons and aim to promote positive family functioning and independent living, CCHNC has been in desperate need of an update. In conjunction with the Mungo Homes Foundation and trade partners, Builders Wholesale Flooring, NC Colors, Trashmasters, Ogilvie Electric, and Perry Corporation, Mungo Team Members in Raleigh replaced flooring and light fixtures, painted, repaired the playground, power washed the exterior, mulched, and decorated for the holidays.
The Mungo Homes Foundation also made a $20,000 donation to InterAct of Wake County, the only provider of services to victims of violence and sexual assault.Winston Salem, North Carolina
In Winston Salem, the Mungo Homes Foundation spent time volunteering with local non-profits in addition to donating $5,000 to A Bed and A Book, which was founded by a Mungo Team Member, and whose Mission is to provide a bed to children who haven’t ever had one. Along with sorting and packing food boxes, a $15,000 donation was made to Second Harvest Food Bank of NC. Our Triad team was excited to adopt two families through Christmas Cheer of Alamance County to provide toys, clothes, and Christmas dinner! Christmas Cheer of Alamance County is a nonprofit dedicated to sharing the spirit of Christmas with the underprivileged children and elderly of Alamance County. Team Members spent time wrapping and sorting gifts for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree.
Wilmington, North Carolina
Our Wilmington market was honored to present a check to Nourish NC! Nourish NC works to provide supplemental food assistance to children in New Hanover County who struggle with hunger.
Savannah, Georgia
The Savannah team donated $10,000 to Effingham Backpack Buddies, which provides approximately 450 bags of food for the weekend or on holidays for any child on a free or reduced lunch program. Team Savannah was thrilled to present a check to K9 Battle Buddies! K9 Battle Buddies trains rescue dogs to be service dogs for combat veterans and active duty with PTSD and/or TBI (traumatic brain injury).
Our Savannah team also spent time at the Salvation Army Angel Tree shop sorting toys and packing bags! The Salvation Army Angel Tree helps provide Christmas gifts for thousands of children in the community each year by collecting new clothing and toys from donors.
Richmond, Virginia
Lastly, team members at CraftMaster Homes in Richmond, Virginia will be spending Monday December 11th volunteering with the Salvation Army Angel Tree.